Thursday, November 19, 2009

Proxy War of Shias against Muslims

All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
Asalamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathuhu,
Proxy War of Shias against Muslims
Saudi scholar Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al Shaikh, the mufti of the kingdom, said in press statements that fighting Al Houthi rebels (a Shia militia) is "a must" and those soldiers, whether Yemeni or Saudis, who fight them are Mujahideen (holy warriers).
"Al Houthis are making an additional mistake to their big mistakes by trying to impose their corrupt faith on the whole Muslim society," Al Shaikh was quoted by Saudi media as saying.
Dear brothers as we aware of many including Jamaat e (islami), the infamous internet fraud Erooth mohamed etc are always attacking the Saudi ruling power and Salafees to favour the deviant Shias as a savior of Islam. I seek refuge with Allah from these "unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell their Eamaan, country in order to gain power"
As Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al Shaikh pointed out the Rafidi Shias are spreading their deviant beliefs and practices among the Muslims. The best example for this kind of proxy war of Shias could be seen among the Jamaat e Islami activists. They propagate the deviant religion of Shias among Muslim society by introducing their corrupted literature, books, cinema, news etc. In fact, by doing so, Jamaat e (islami) has produced many shia supporters and anti Saudi, Salafees. See the venom of our infamous internet fraud erooth Mohamed on Saudi and Salafi.
From Erooth Mohamed []
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:45 AM
For war with Iran , Arabs (salafis) extended full support to Iraq by money, weapons and whatever possible - No quran or sunnah was there!!
US wanted to remove all possible threats to Israel , Salafi regimes are used as toy for this!
US cleared all their expired stocks of weapons and ammunations at the cost of Kuwait & Saudi Arabia's wealth.
our Salafis stand always with US regime to rape the men and wealth of this Ummah.
Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al Shaikh, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia rightly said Shia Iran, Al Houthis, Hizbullah, Mehdi army, the revolutionary guards etc are trying to impose their corrupted faith on the whole Muslim society. See another example of their influence sent by
F a i s a lk a d e R
ഗ്രൂപ്പില്ഷിയ വിശ്വാസത്തെ കുറിച്ച് ജമാഅത്തെ ഇസ്ലാമിക്കാരെ ബന്ധ പെടുത്തിയുള്ള പല ചര്ച്ചകളും ഇപ്പോള് നടക്കുന്നുണ്ട്.
ഈ വിഷയം എടുത്തു പൊക്കി കൊണ്ട് വരുന്നത് ആരാണെന്നും അവരുടെ ഉദ്യേശം എന്താണെന്നും തലയില് കുറച്ചു ബുദ്ധിയുള്ളവര്ക്ക് മനസിലാവും. ഇന്ന് ഇനി പല അറബ് രാജ്യങ്ങളുടെയും കണ്ണിലെ കരടു ഇറാന് ആണ്. അതിനെ ഇനി ഇസ്ലാമിന്റെ ശത്രുക്കളുടെ കൂട്ട് പിടിച്ചു തകര്ക്കുക എന്ന ലക്ഷ്യം മുന്നില് കണ്ടു കൊണ്ട് തന്നെയാണ് പലരും പ്രവര്ത്തിക്കുന്നത്. കാരണം ആ രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ വളര്ച്ച പലരുടെയും സ്ഥാനങ്ങള് ഭാവിയില് നഷ്ട്ടപെടാന് വഴിയൊരുക്കും
. Shaikh Abdul Aziz Al Shaikh rightly said, the Rafidi Shias are spreading their deviant beliefs and practices among the ‘Muslims’.
See again the venom of internet fraud Erooth mohamed who is deliver the thoughts as a proxy for Iran and shia
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Erooth Mohamed wrote:
Shia's there since 4th kilafaath, nobody convert to them but many changed back to real faith - I mean no threat at all.
US-rael wasn't there until last century, USA stands for them and your people helps them in all means.. if you doubt, review that prespective the incidents since 1974..
Your people were waked-up by US once iranian islamic revelution won and Sha Riza Pahlavi outsted, because american interests are went dangerous situation..
So what does the proxy of shia Mr Erooth Mohamed trying to present here? It is only after the so called “Iranian Islamic revolution” Saudi Arabia and other Salafees are woke up to fight against Shias to protect the interest of America. This fraud also were claiming just two lines above that shias were existing since 4th Khalifa and many changed back to REAL FAITH (Shia's there since 4th kilafaath, nobody convert to them but many changed back to real faith) what does it means? The proxy shia Mr.Erooth mohamed agreed that Shias are not with real faith but many later changed back to real faith i.e Islam. Then what happened to the rest of the Shias who were according to erooth not in the real faith? Let Erooth Mohamed from Wandoor, Vaniyambalam city, presently working in Saudi milk, jeddha says ” iranian islamic revelution won” by whom it was done Mr Erooth?! The Shias who did not change to the real faith as you claimed. Then how dare you to raise "an awful voice" to call it as “Islamic”?!
Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) cautioned the believers about the hypocrites “when he speaks, tells lies, when he promises, breaks his promise. They abandon the believers in a slightest moment of difficulty and side with the adversaries of the believers. Their real character is revealed in times of distress”
It is a fact that Iran has been trying to intervene the affairs of Arab countries for a long time. But it systematically channeled or carried out in an organized way by the 70s after Kumauni government came into power in Iran. Both ideologically as well as geographically, Iran is questioning the sanctity of the Arab Sunni dominated countries. The imperial ambitions of Iran that fostered by Iranian revolutionary guard have been infiltrated to many Muslim majority countries. The illegal occupation of three Islands of UAE is an example for this kind. The fictitious hatred towards the Jews and Israel by the Shia ultimately could manage Iran a stronghold in Lebanon through the proxy Shia Hezbollah, the militia. Similarly with the help of proxy Shia Mahdi Army, Iran has destabilized the Iraqi Sunnies and murdered, raped, mutilated, molested woman and children and finally executed the sectarian cleansing of Sunies from Bagdad and consequently millions of scattered Sunnies were migrated to neighboring countries for shelter.
Apart from this, Shia ruling Govt in Iraq hanged Sadam Hussain on the day of Eid ul Adha to defame Islam and hence, insulted the whole Muslims including the Arabs. This unholy act of Shia on the holy day of Muslims was welcomed by your so called president of Iran. Arab stability threatened by the Shia militia like Mahdi army, Al Houthi, Hezbollah and the father of all these evil groups i.e. Iran.
The recent fighting of Al Houthi Shiite rebels against the Yeman ruling government in northern Saada province along the border with Saudi Arabia is an another best example of Shia’s infiltration to Sunnies. On November 5, Al Houthi rebels attacked and occupied the Saudi Jebel Dukhan in the Jizan area, killing two soldiers and injuring ten. About 40 Al Houthi rebels were arrested while infiltrating Saudi territory in women's clothes. Some of those arrested were members of Al Qaida, which attempts to use Yemen as launch pad to attack Saudi Arabia. There are many similar incidents proves the direct relation of Shias with Al Qaida. Moreover Bin laden doesn't have methodology of salafiya rather he was a student as well as a follower of Mohd Qutub, brother of Sayed Qutub, one of former leaders of Muslim brotherhood, a brotherly organisation of Jamaate Islami (Ji). Even it was very clearly explained in Jamaat e (islami)’s one of the book series ‘Islamic Encyclopaedia’ (Islamic Vikzhanakosham) 7th volume, page number 60, a publication by Islamic publishing house (IPH). But, deceptions are being considered as a part of their life and the ideology itself built upon this falsehood, now Jih’s leaders and activists are trying to conceal their relation with Bin Laden. Even the so called shura member of Jih, Shaik Mohammed Karakunnu, who worked behind the same book, now bigmouthed to people a bitter lie that Bin Laden is a Salafi (in a speech at Payanoor, Kannur, he said that salafees are the Terrorist and Bin laden is a Salafi, in contrary to his previous claim in his book that Bin Laden is a well known Ihwani) and the so called believers of JIH, as they already surrendered their brain to Ameer and Shura members (it is the minimum requisite for their party membership), uttering this falsehood repeatedly. See the venom of internet fraud erooth Mohamed-
From: Erooth Mohamed
To: Moosakutty
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 10:38:12 AM
മുസ്ലിംകളില് നിന്നും ഇന്ന് വരെ, സലഫി അല്ലാത്ത ഒരൊറ്റ തീവ്രവാദിയും ആയുധം എടുത്തിട്ടില്ല, ബോംബ് പൊട്ടിച്ചിട്ടില്ല - തീവ്രവാദ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനം നടത്തിയിട്ടില്ല.. സൌദിയില് തീവ്രവാദി ആക്രമണങ്ങളില് പിടിക്കപ്പെട്ടവരെല്ലാം സൗദി ചെറുപ്പക്കാര്.. ആരാണ് മൌദൂദി എന്നോ, ആരാണ് സയ്യിദ് ഖുത്ബ് എന്നോ അറിയാത്തവര്.. എന്നാല് സലഫികള്, സലഫിയായ ഉസാമയെ, അല്‍കാഇദയെ നന്നായി അറിയുന്നവര്.. അതിന്റെ ആളുകള്.. But what is the reality? see....
Saudi Arabia removes extremist literature
Nov 28, 2008
By Abdul Rahman Shaeen, Correspondent
Riyadh: In the latest drive to combat terrorism and extremism, the Saudi Arabian authorities have started removing offensive books from all school libraries.
The Ministry of Education, keen to protect the younger generation from deviant ideology, issued orders banning a number of controversial books containing extremist ideas. They include two controversial books - The lies about Sayyid Qutb and The Jihad in the way of God.
Speaking to Gulf News, Hamaad Al Salimi, deputy chairman of the board of directors of Taif Literary Club, described the ministry's decision as an important. "This decision will help protect the younger generation from some of the extremist ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood, which called for violence," he said. One of the banned books is about noted Egyptian author Sayyid Qutb, who was the leading intellectual of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood.
Now read his comments about self quality
കളവു പറയുകയും, കള്ളം പ്രചരിപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്ന ആളുകള് അല്ലാഹുവിനെ സൂക്ഷിക്കുക.. മൌദൂദി, സയ്യിദ് ഖുത്ബ് ആശയങ്ങളില് പ്രലോഭിതരായി തീവ്രവാദ പ്രവര്‍ത്തനം നടത്തിയ ഒരാളെ എങ്കിലും മറക്ക് പുറത്തു കൊണ്ട് വരിക..
And say: "Truth has come and Bâtil (falsehood) has vanished. Surely! Bâtil is ever bound to vanish." (Al-Isra 17:81)
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, fear Allah and His wrath and steadfast in His religion and strive hard against the hypocrites/ Munafiq since every believer who takes Quran as his guide and walks in Allah’s way has to be very careful against the munafiq and hence, must know their features. Because every believing community that walks in the way of the Quran is sure to confront munafiq during their course of struggle. The real reason of the munafiq being together with the believers is not to earn the good pleasure of Allah.
O Allaah, show us the truth as truth and enable us to follow it; show us the false as false and enable us to avoid it. Guide us concerning disputed matters of truth by Your leave, for You guide Whomsoever You wish to the Straight Path.
Mammedutty Nilambur