Friday, November 20, 2009

False justification of Erooth mohamed about Shias

All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
The peace and blessings of Allah be upon the beloved Prophet, his family, companions and followers
Dear brothers Assalamu alikum wa rahmatullah,
False justification of Erooth about Shias
Day by day Mr Erooth Mohamed is providing entertainments for readers through idiotic answers and mimics.
In my mail “Hidden Agenda of proxy Shia” I very clearly explained why Muslims consider Shias are not Muslims. It is due to Shias’ denial of the authenticity of Qur’an. According to Islam One who disbelief in Qur’an is a Kafir but still Erooth repeats his solidarity to Shia and throwing mud on Saudi and Salafees. See evidence from my previous mail.
"Muslims are unanimously agreed that anyone who claims that anything in the Qur’aan has been altered or changed is a kaafir/ disbeliever. There is no dispute among the God fearing Muslims regarding the authenticity of Qur’an since Allah said that He will safe guard the Qur’an from distortions or corruptions. Allah says:
“Verily, We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur’aan) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)”[al-Hijr 15:9]
It is well known among the Muslims that the Shia believes that there are chapters like Soorat al-Wilaayah and Soorat al-Noorayn were concealed by the sahaaba.(I seek refuge with Allah) They are plotting this satanic act to create doubts about the validity of the Qur’aan. One of those who clearly stated that it exists is Mirza Hussein Muhammad Taqiy al-Noori al-Tubrusi (d. 1320 AH). He wrote a book in which he claimed that the Qur’aan had been distorted and that the Sahaabah has concealed some parts of it. The Raafidis, Shia honoured him after his death by burying him in al-Najaf. This book by al-Tubrusi was published in Iran in 1298 AH. You can see the entire soorah, along with a telegraphic picture of the Persian mus-haf at the following site: Hence the Muslims are unanimously agreed that anyone who claims that anything in the Qur’aan has been altered or changed is a kaafir". But our internet fraud, a proxy Shia, Erooth Mohamed has doubt about it. See his words അവര് കലിമ ചൊല്ലുന്നിടത്തോളം കാലം, അവര് മുസ്ലിമ്ങള് ആയിത്തന്നെ വിളിക്കപ്പെടും, കാഫിര് ആയി പറയാന് നമ്മള് ആളല്ല,
Furthermore even the Ahmediya Qadianis also will be Muslims according to our proxy Shia Erooth Mohamed’ claim. See his words
പ്രിയപ്പെട്ട ഹസ്സന് കുട്ടി,
'ലാ ഇലാഹ ഇല്ല അല്ലാഹു' എന്ന് പറയുന്നവരെ കാഫിര് എന്ന് വിളിക്കാന് പറ്റും എന്നുള്ളതിന് തെളിവ് തരാമോ? അവരുടെ പ്രവര്ത്തം, അത് അല്ലാഹു നോക്കട്ടെ! നമുക്കവരെ ഉപദേശിക്കാന്, ഉണര്ത്താം പക്ഷെ കാഫിര് എന്ന് വിളിക്കാന് പറ്റില്ല.. പറ്റുമെങ്കില് നിങ്ങള് വിളിച്ചോ..
As we Muslims aware Ahmediyya Qadianis are not denying the la illaha illallah but we consider them as kafir/ apostates. Because they denied the last and final prophethood of beloved messenger (peace be upon him). Even some of the countries like India consider them as mainstream Muslims but Islam does not permit them to call as Muslims and hence they are Kafir. They same principle is applicable to Shiaa who deny the authenticity of Qur’an as I explained above.
I wonder what would happen if this millions of Qadianis led a revolution like Shia in Iran and establish a state like Iran, in the next day Erooth Mohamed would appear over the internet as claiming “Quadianis Islamic revolution won” as he alleged on Saudi and salafees earlier "Your people were waked-up by US once iranian islamic revelution won". He would continue to put his allegation that because of America and Israel Salafees are criticizing the “Quadianis Islamic revolution” See how Erooth is justify the Shia -
അപ്പോള് നമ്മുടെ നിലപാട്, 'ലാ ഇലാഹ ഇല്ല അള്ളാഹു' എന്ന് പറയുന്നവരൊക്കെ ഒരു പോലെ മുസ്ലിംകള് ആണ്. വിശദീകരണത്തില് വരുന്ന ശിര്ക്ക്, ആഴങ്ങളില് ഊളിയിട്ടാല് കിട്ടുന്ന ശിര്ക്ക് ഇതൊക്കെ നാളെ അല്ലാഹു തീരുമാനിക്കട്ടെ.. അതൊന്നും നമ്മുടെ അല്ലെങ്കില് ഞങ്ങളുടെ ജോലിയല്ല. I seek refuge with Allah from the whispering both man and shaitaan.
They have made their oaths a screen (for their hypocrisy). Thus they hinder (men) from the Path of Allâh. Verily, evil is what they used to do.
That is because they believed, then disbelieved, therefore their hearts are sealed, so they understand not. (Al-Munafiqun 63:2,3)
May Allah guide us into the straight path, the path of those on whom Allah have bestowed His Grace, mercy and not the path of those who earned Allah’s Anger nor of those who went astray. Aameen

With prayers for the peaceful life here and hereafter
Mammedutty Nilambur