Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hidden agenda of proxy Shia(Erooth mohamed)

All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
The peace and blessings of Allah be upon the beloved Prophet, his family, companions and followers
Have you (O Muhammad SAW) not seen those (Hypocrites) who take for friends a people upon whom is the Wrath of Allâh (i.e. Jews)? They are neither of you (Muslims) nor of them (Jews), and they swear to a lie while they know. (Al-Mujadilah 58:14)
Dear brothers/ sisters Asalamu alikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakathuhu,
Hidden agenda of proxy Shia
In the above mentioned verses of Qar’an Allah, the exalted says about some of the features of hypocrites/ Munaafiq. This Munaafiqs are living along with Muslims and having superficial qualities of believers but their real characters would be distinguished from Muslims when we check their approach to enemies of Islam and Muslims. This Munaafiqs are more vulnerable, harsh, and reckless towards the Muslims who are inviting people to Islamic Monotheism / Thouhid. Meanwhile these Munaafiqs are often neglecting the importance of “commanding the good and prohibit the evils” and always side with the people of shirks, Bidha and kuffar. They believe in taqiyah (dissimulation) which means showing outwardly something other than what one feels inside. In fact this is lying and hypocrisy and skill in deceiving people.
Muslims are unanimously agreed that anyone who claims that anything in the Qur’aan has been altered or changed is a kaafir/ disbeliever. There is no dispute among the God fearing Muslims regarding the authenticity of Qur’an since Allah said that He will safe guard the Qur’an from distortions or corruptions. Allah says:
“Verily, We, it is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (i.e. the Qur’aan) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)”[al-Hijr 15:9]
It is well known among the Muslims that the Shia believes that there are chapters like Soorat al-Wilaayah and Soorat al-Noorayn were concealed by the sahaaba.(I seek refuge with Allah) They are plotting this satanic act to create doubts about the validity of the Qur’aan. One of those who clearly stated that it exists is Mirza Hussein Muhammad Taqiy al-Noori al-Tubrusi (d. 1320 AH). He wrote a book in which he claimed that the Qur’aan had been distorted and that the Sahaabah has concealed some parts of it. The Raafidis, Shia honoured him after his death by burying him in al-Najaf. This book by al-Tubrusi was published in Iran in 1298 AH. You can see the entire soorah, along with a telegraphic picture of the Persian mus-haf at the following site: Hence the Muslims are unanimously agreed that anyone who claims that anything in the Qur’aan has been altered or changed is a kaafir. But our internet fraud, a proxy Shia, Erooth Mohamed has doubt about it. See his words
അവര് കലിമ ചൊല്ലുന്നിടത്തോളം കാലം, അവര് മുസ്ലിമ്ങള് ആയിത്തന്നെ വിളിക്കപ്പെടും, കാഫിര് ആയി പറയാന് നമ്മള് ആളല്ല,
It is the hidden agenda of enemies of Islam to glorify the Shia as Muslims and these malpractices have been started by a Munaafiq/ hypocrite Abdullah ibn Sabah, the founder father of Shiite religion. He was a Jew but pretended as a Muslim and spread malicious gossip on 'people of the best of nation', the first generation of prophet (peace be upon him). Similarly there are modern Abdullah ibn Sabahs are working among the Muslims to tarnish them and propagate malicious gossip against them in favour of the deviant Shias. Even they are daring to compare Shias along side with the believers. See the words of infamous internet fraud and proxy shia Mr. Erooth Mohamed അവര് കലിമ ചൊല്ലുന്നിടത്തോളം കാലം, അവര് മുസ്ലിമ്ങള് ആയിത്തന്നെ വിളിക്കപ്പെടും, കാഫിര് ആയി പറയാന് നമ്മള് ആളല്ല, മരുന്നിനു പോലും ശിആക്കള് ഇല്ലാത്ത കേരളത്തില് ഈ ഭിന്നതയുടെ പേരില് നാം സമയം കളയേണ്ടതില്ല. Mr. Erooth hereby asserting that he is not ready to say Shias are not Muslims. But dear brothers/ sisters even the Shia scholar Ali Shariati very clearly states in his book “Shahatha’ that they do not believe in the religion of (Sunni) Islam. Then what is the problem with Erooth?!! To whom he is trying to side?!!!
Even a non Muslims may aware that Shias are cursing on Sahaba and declare the companions of beloved prophet (peace be upon him) as infidels/ kaafir. But the proxy shia Mr. Erooth justifying the Shia by accusing on salafees of Kerala as
ഈ വിവാദം കേരളത്തിലെ മുഖംമൂടിയണിഞ്ഞ കപട സലഫികളുടെതാണ്..നിങ്ങള്ക്കുസലഫുസാലിഹ്കളുടെ നാമം ഉച്ചരിക്കാന് പോലും യോഗ്യതയില്ല.
According to erooth mohamed this controversy of Shia and Sunni dispute is merely a fabricated story created by Kerala Salafees. And furthermore he is not at all considering Shias are adversaries/opponents of Sunnies. See his words
ഷിയ സുന്നി സംഘട്ടനം നേര്ക്കുനേരെ ഇസ്ലാമിന്റെ ശത്രുക്കള്ക്ക് ആണ് ഗുണം ചെയ്യുക - ഇതൊക്കെയാണ് നമ്മുടെ നിലപാട്.
Erooth mohamed vehemently claiming that salafees have been started criticisms on Shias only after 1970s for America. See his words
പിന്നെ, എന്നാണു ഈ വിവാദം കത്തിപ്പടര്ന്നത്? ഞാന് നേരത്തെ എഴുതിയ പോലെ എഴുപതുള്ക്ക് ശേഷമല്ലേ? അതിനു മുമ്പും ഈ ശിആക്കളും, ഇറാനും സലഫികളും ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നില്ലേ? ഇറാനും ഈ പറയുന്ന അറബ് രാജ്യങ്ങളും അന്ന് ഇന്നത്തതിലേറെ ഊഷ്മളമായ ബന്ധം ആയിരുന്നില്ലേ? ഇറാനില് അമേരിക്കല്താല്പ്പര്യങ്ങള്ഇസ്ലാമിക വിപ്ലവത്തിന്റെ വിജയത്തോടെ തകര്ന്നപ്പോള് അങ്കിള്സാം ഉയര്ത്തിയതാണ് സുശുപ്തിയിലായിരുന്ന ഷിയ-സുന്നി വിവാദം..
This above claim of Mr erooth is an another blatant lie. Most of the past and present scholars of Ahlu sunna wa Jamah exposed the falseness and apostasy of Shiaism. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) had written many books on Shia and their religion eg. al-Khutoot al-‘Areedah and Mukhtasar al-Tuhfah al-Ithna ‘Ashariyyah and Minhaaj al-Sunnah and also you can find innovations of shias from al-Khutoot al-‘Areedah by Muhibb al-Deen al-Khateeb (available in English, translated by Abu Bilal Mustafa al-Kanadi). But proxy Shia mr erooth Mohamed keep on arguing that salafees started to criticize Shias after the 70s. He learnt this tactics from non but Shias as they believe in taqiyah, deceptions.
As I quoted in my earlier mail “proxy war of Shia” Mr. erooth always glorifying Iran and Shia and throwing blasphemy on Saudi Arabia and Salafees. Why?! See once again his full mail text On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 3:51 PM,
Erooth Mohamed wrote:
Shia's there since 4th kilafaath, nobody convert to them but many changed back to real faith - I mean no threat at all.
US-rael wasn't there until last century, USA stands for them and your people helps them in all means.. if you doubt, review that prespective the incidents since 1974..
Your people were waked-up by US once iranian islamic revelution won and Sha Riza Pahlavi outsted, because american interests are went dangerous situation..
He repeats the same allegations in the later mails too.
From: "
Erooth Mohamed"
To: "Mohammed Salim Kachery"
പ്രയപ്പെട്ട കച്ചേരി,
അസ്സലാമു അലൈകും..
ഷിയ-സുന്നി പ്രശ്നങ്ങള് പടിഞ്ഞാറുള്ള യജമാനന്മാര് റിമോട്ട് കണ്ട്രോളില് അവരുടെ (ഇസ്ലാമിന്റെ ശത്രുക്കളുടെ) താല്പ്പര്യത്തിനു ഉയര്ത്തിക്കൊണ്ടു വരുന്നതാണ് എന്നാണു.. അപ്പോള്, മസ്ലിങ്ങളിലെ ആഭ്യന്തര ശൈഥില്യം നേര്ക്ക് നേരെ ഗുണം കിട്ടുന്നത് അവര്ക്കാണ്.. സാമാന്യ ബുദ്ധിയാണ് പറഞ്ഞത് അതല്ല വിവാദം ആണ് വേണ്ടതെങ്കില് നിങ്ങള് അത് തുടരുക..
പിന്നെ, എന്നാണു ഈ വിവാദം കത്തിപ്പടര്ന്നത്? ഞാന് നേരത്തെ എഴുതിയ പോലെ എഴുപതുള്ക്ക് ശേഷമല്ലേ? അതിനു മുമ്പും ഈ ശിആക്കളും, ഇറാനും സലഫികളും ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നില്ലേ? ഇറാനും ഈ പറയുന്ന അറബ് രാജ്യങ്ങളും അന്ന് ഇന്നത്തതിലേറെ ഊഷ്മളമായ ബന്ധം ആയിരുന്നില്ലേ? ഇറാനില് അമേരിക്കല്താല്പ്പര്യങ്ങള്ഇസ്ലാമിക വിപ്ലവത്തിന്റെ വിജയത്തോടെ തകര്ന്നപ്പോള് അങ്കിള്സാം ഉയര്ത്തിയതാണ് സുശുപ്തിയിലായിരുന്ന ഷിയ-സുന്നി വിവാദം..
He is very much disturbed on Muslim brothers when they criticize the beliefs and practices of Shia but the same time he never show this tolerance towards Saudi and Salafees. He always says that shia and sunni issues will benefit for America and Israel and so, “Muslims internal problems” that is according to him Sunni & shia problems should not reveal to the public. But we should ‘appreciate’ him for keeping high profile, tolerance and mercy while talking about Saudi and Salafees. See his words
Erooth Mohamed []
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 10:45 AM
For war with Iran , Arabs (salafis) extended full support to Iraq by money, weapons and whatever possible - No quran or sunnah was there!! ( Israel realized the threat and bombed Iraqi neclear sites - also with help of Salafi countries - the war planes took-off from Israel and flayed over Saudi to bomb Iraq ). US wanted to remove all possible threats to Israel , Salafi regimes are used as toy for this!
US & Israel wanted Iraq power destroyed - again Arabs slept on the petro-dollars and wealth. US cleared all their expired stocks of weapons and ammunations at the cost of Kuwait & Saudi Arabia's wealth. When US involved in the conflict, the stand of Islamic organizations around the world stand with Iraq ! because Iraq was oppressed now - with the support of same Salafis. our Salafis stand always with US regime to rape the men and wealth of this Ummah. Because for them, Harams are protected, Masjids are saved - deen is perfect. All others are 'dunya', war, wealth everything nothing –
Dear brothers in Islam I hope you must have noticed how recklessly erooth moahmed referring about the Masjidul Harams?!! This modern and the contemporary Abdullah ibn Sabah is foulmouthed here that Saudi Arabia and Salafees will do any wrong practice to please Amarica since they consider deen is perfect if they could protect the Harams and Masjid? I seek refuge with Allah from this old man and his devilish group. Can we consider him as Muslim?!! It is the hidden agenda of Shia to belittle the importance of Masjidul Haraams, the holy place of Islam, located in Saudi Arabia. So, with the help of proxy shia Mr. erooth Mohamed they trying to belittle the sacred place of Islam. For Erooth and his radical groups SIMI,NDF,Jamaat e Islami etc Karbala would be better than Masjidul Haraams and shia shrines/ Dhargas are sacred than Mosques of Muslims. But we Muslims masjidul Haraams are more important and so, we would safe guard it from you devilish people that inshaAllah. It is obligatory for every God fearing Muslims to respect the symbol of Islam. But the one who propagates “Shia islam” like internet fraud Erooth mohamed may not bother about this fact.
Allâh has promised the Hypocrites; men and women, and the disbelievers, the Fire of Hell, therein shall they abide. It will suffice them. Allâh has cursed them and for them is the lasting torment. (At-Tawbah 9:68)
Those who feel that speaking against deviant pseudo-Islamic groups and exposing their insensate activities to the people is a waste of time and energy, is in fact total contradiction to Qur'ân and Sunnah. Allah says in Quran, in Soorah Aal'imraan 3:110 "you are the best nation raised up among mankind (because) you command the good and prohibit the evil” Commanding the good is not sufficient in itself to earn us the title "best of the nations" it must be complemented by the prohibitions of evils. Purifying the Religion of Allah and defending it from the attacks of deviant pseudo-Islamic groups, hypocrites etc are a collective obligation of all pious and God fearing Muslims, if Allah did not bring up some people to oppose the innovators, hypocrites etc and then the Religion would suffer harm corruption and deviation. Allah knows best.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It is not permissible for anyone to keep quiet about anything that he knows about them, rather he must broadcast it so that the Muslims will know what they really are.
I seek forgiveness from Allah and I seek help from Allah to steadfast in His religion to strive against disbelievers, hypocrites etc. I seek refuge with Allah from misguiding others and misguided by myself.
With prayers for the peaceful life here and the here after
Mammedutty Nilambur